Dreaming About Her Night by Night: Could She be The One?

Goran Nikolov
4 min readApr 8, 2017

If you are wondering if she is the one for you just because you dream about her every night, the short answer is, no one call tell you for sure. But if you have a curious mind that won’t be satisfied that easily, without considering few good theories on what does it mean when you dream about someone you love, stay tuned and I’ll try to give you a longer, more thorough and meaningful answer to resolve your dilemma once for all.

Have you ever noticed that whenever you make a big change in your life or experience something for the first time, you dream about it the very night? And they are not some usual dreams, but intense ones, sometimes even lucid and hard to differ from our reality. The dreams are of various nature: they can be upsetting, confusing, enjoyable, terrifying, and amazing. Although science is light years away from providing some bold facts on the mysterious nature of dreams, some of the greatest thinkers of our time have explore dreams and shared their own thoughts, today known as theories. So, we know have several theories on dreams that may explain why do you keep dreaming about her.

The father of psychoanalysis, the famous Sigmund Freud, studied the psychological effects of dreams and their relationship with our waking lives. He believed that the only way you can understand what’s going on in your real life is to study what’s going on in your unconscious mind. According to him, our unconscious mind is consisted of underlying desires, urges and instincts that are repressed while we’re conscious due to their aggressive or sexual nature.

Freud distinguished between the latent content of a dream (dream symbolism) and the manifest content (the content that the dreamer remembers). He believed that the latter content is based on one’s daily events and described the symbolic representation of the unconscious mind as wish-fulfillment. By fulfilling such wishes, he believed people can sleep more peacefully and carry on with their lives without feeling anxious. If scientists ever prove that the reason we dream is to fulfill a forbidden wish into a non-threatening form without any consequences, well Freud deserves all the credit, because he was the first to realize that.

If Freud were alive and you had a unique opportunity to ask him if she is the one because she’s all you see the second you close your eyes and start dreaming, he would’ve probably asked you several follow-up questions in order to give you an accurate answer. Telling him that you’re dreaming about a person would not be enough information for him to give you a good interpretation. Since there’s no ultimate answer to that question, today’s dream interpretators are unable to interpret such dream in most accurate manner as well.

That being said, we’re unable to predict how would’ve Freud responded should’ve you asked him, but I can give you my own opinion according to Freudian theory. To find out what does it mean to dream about the person you love, first you need to carefully analyze and interpret each of the dreams about her you’re experiencing. To do so, keep a pen and a notebook by your side so you can start writing them down as soon as you wake up, be it in the middle of the night or early in the morning before heading off to work.

Of course, if you are dating the girl you’re dreaming about for a longer period, don’t you think it is normal to have thoughts about living together? It may be just a guess, but being unable to recognize your own thoughts in your waking life may result in a dream about her. We need no scientifically-proven facts to prove that the more we think about someone or something, the more likely we are to dream about — we can all relate to that.

Next time you’re having a dream about her, sit down, relax and think how do you really feel about that person. Maybe she doesn’t fit in your life. Maybe you value her less than she deserves. Maybe it’s time for a step forward in your relationship. You know the answer — all you need to do is to look for it deep down into your soul and heart.



Goran Nikolov

Writer when creativity strikes. Usually digital marketer. Oftentimes video games lover. Hiker when I feel like it.