Love Marks Suck: Getting Rid of a Hickey Like a Boss

Goran Nikolov
3 min readFeb 20, 2017

Is it just me or there are others who think that hickeys are like a dog marking his territory? These so-called “love bites” are very popular among the young and inexperienced teenagers, but for young adults, like me, hickeys are rather an embarrassing sign than a sign of fierce passion or attraction. Although some find these love marks attractive, I think that these we-had-a-great-date-last-night-clues suck. Don’t try to understand why do people do hickeys. People do silly things just because they can. All the time. In many different ways.

Even Hugh Laurie agrees that love (marks) suck.

In the beginning of a relationship, you can easily get caught up in the heat of the moment and end up with a big red spot on your neck. If you’re not dating a clairvoyant, it’s completely normal for your partner to do something you don’t like. However, you can talk about it and it won’t happen again. If you too don’t like to mark your territory or to be marked as someone’s territory like the dogs do but unfortunately you found yourself in such a situation, I can help you get rid of your hickey like a boss with only a few simple and easy steps.

If you only got your hickey recently, wrap a few ice cubes in a towel and put it onto your hickey as soon as possible. The sooner you apply this method, the less the hickey will expand. The cold compress constricts the broken capillaries that occurred after your partner sucked your neck and helps reduce bleeding. If you don’t keep ice at home, then place a spoon in your refrigerator for about 20 minutes and you have a perfect alternative. Repeating this for a couple of times the night you’ve got bitten and a couple of times more throughout the following day will help you keep your hickey smaller and get rid of it quicker.

The next step is to reduce your hickey’s color and scatter the clotted blood with a light, gentle massage directly onto the affected area. Rub your hickey moving two of your fingers in a circular motion in only one direction. After a minute or so, change the direction you’re moving your fingers and continue massaging it. As you proceed, you may want to increase the intensity and rub it more firmly. The effectiveness of the massage depends on your hickey’s severity.

To make the massage even more efficient, you can add an essential oil or some natural moisturizer. Aloe vera is by far the most popular and most efficient natural moisturizer, which is why I strongly suggest you to slice an aloe vera leaf and apply the gel on your hickey as soon as you’re done with the massage. This amazing natural herb is widely known for its healing and soothing properties, so it can reduce the pain and help your skin recover quicker.

After a few days, you may notice that your hickey is slowly fading, but its damage is still there. The best way to repair the damage is by stimulating circulation of new blood with the so-called warm compress method. Put a basic cloth in warm water, dry it and hold it on your about-to-be-gone hickey for about 5 minutes. When it cools, reheat and repeat. This way, the new blood will break up the old blood that actually makes your hickey visible.

Lastly, conquer your hickey on two fronts. Besides treating it externally, it is also important to fight your hickey internally by eating good food. Vitamin K is the best general you can have for the war, as it has guns with natural coagulation properties, known for treating bruises. Eat spinach, kale, broccoli, brown rice, prunes, cabbage and dark green leafy vegetables and your body will be better prepared to help you get rid of your hickey.



Goran Nikolov

Writer when creativity strikes. Usually digital marketer. Oftentimes video games lover. Hiker when I feel like it.